我老闆說的沒錯 Spielberg一想談感情就搞不定 作為觀眾全程有一種看人自憐自嘆的疏離感 沒有煽情勝似煽情 好多運鏡也有種「7879小游戏」的掙扎感 譬如最後paul dano在公寓廚房那個天花板角仰拍close up⋯Michelle Williams in some way也被這害了 哎 其實真的沒必要這麼長 我等了兩個多小時才得到五分鐘的林奇爆笑
I think we gave it the ability to create its own sense of purpose out of our own human weaknesses, and the drive that compels us to overcome, and a lot of foolish human emotions.